Grinding tools
Diamond contourning roller
Grinding tools
CBN vitrified wheels
Vitrified CBN wheel 1A1
Super finishing
Diamond or CBN soft clothes
Soft CBN cloth
Super finishing
Diamond or CBN soft clothes
Soft diamond cloth
Grinding tools
CBN vitrified wheels
Special vitrified CBN wheel
Aerospace composite
Electro plated diamond tools for composite glass fibre
Special concave wheel with 2 radiuses
Aerospace composite
Electro plated diamond tools for composite glass fibre
Special convex wheel
Aerospace composite
Electro plated diamond tools for composite glass fibre
Special bull nose wheel
Grinding tools
Electro-deposite tools for metals Electro plated diamond tools for composite glass fibre
Internal diamond or CBN grinding point type 2
Grinding tools
Electro-deposite tools for metals Electro plated diamond tools for composite glass fibre
Internal diamond or CBN grinding point type 1
Grinding tools
Diamond impregnated and multipoint dressers
Conical impregnated dressers CM1
Grinding tools
Diamond and CBN wheels with resin or metal bond